Department of Students' Welfare

Department of Students' Welfare


College Union Election 2024-25

 Bye-laws of the College Students’ Unions


           The office of the Department of Students' Welfare functions at the University of Calicut,Thenhipalam,Malappuram District. The purpose of the Department is the overall benefit and welfare of the Students' community and the University. The department deals the Student's complaints through Student's Grievance Redressal Cell. The statutory Board for Adjudication of Students’ Grievances with the Vice Chancellor as the Chairperson has been functioning very effectively in this University. The Anti-Ragging cell deals with the complaints related to ragging with Vice chancellor as Chairperson. The department also functions as the International students Office of the University, the DSW being the International Students Adviser of the University. A large number of foreign students are approaching the University every year for admission to various courses including Ph.D programmes.

          College union elections and the University union elections are conducted by this office at right time, as per the existing directions of the supreme Court. All activities of the University union are guided by this office. Other major works taken up are, University Union Fee collection, Advances,Settlements and Expenditure of all University Union Expenses and Monitoring of University Union Activities, Awarding of Grace Marks for Arts Competition,All works related to University union, Conduct University Arts Festival and Participation in South Zone,National and SAARC Youth festivals.

     The office of the Students' Welfare is always taking sincere efforts for the all round development of students.

button online grievance portal2


Board For Adjudication of Students' Grievances (BASG)  

The statutory Board for Adjudication of Students’ Grievances with the Vice Chancellor as the Chairperson has been functioning very effectively in this University.


University Level Anti-Ragging

Committee (ULARC)  

Organized with a target of saying a ‘Big No’ to ragging in our campuses, the ULARC has conducted various anti-ragging campaigns in the campus


Foreign Students Affairs  

The department also functions

as the International students Office of the university,

the DSW being the International Students Adviser of the University.

A large number of foreign students are approaching the University


Transgender Cell

A Transgender cell will be created for supporting the Tran sgender/Intersex/Gender non-
conforming students with the Dean of Students Welfare as convenor and Head of Department, Women’s Studies and Head of Department, Psychology as members.


Contact Us

Dean of Students Welfare,
University of Calicut,
Thenhipalam PO,
Malappuram ,
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